Showcase Website

Authentic reflection of your company, the showcase website 

Enhances your corporate image and amplifies your lead generation!

 A showcase website is an online presentation of your company, association, or organization. Unlike an e-commerce site, it doesn’t directly offer online sales. Instead, it provides users with information about your business, its activities, contact details, and services. Think of it as a digital marketing brochure, a point of contact with potential customers.


of Belgians and Luxembourgers use Internet.


of Benelux companies use Internet.


of companies in Benelux have a Website.

Your visual identity

Your website, like your other communication tools, is a reflection of your company. It is a key pillar of your digital strategy, reflecting your expertise, services, values, and company philosophy through a well-designed and enriched content.

In today’s world, owning a website is crucial for the development of any activity. A website is one of the most effective supports to achieve your goals. Like other communication channels, the Internet offers unlimited dissemination and accessibility of your information on a national and international scale.

Your website is much more than a simple business card, it is an essential element of your digital communication strategy. This web solution offers you constant visibility, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which allows you to easily make yourself known and be recognized as a professional in your field of activity.

Your customers and prospects can consult your pages at any time. In this way, you expand your prospecting area while gaining in notoriety. Indeed, the first reaction of anyone looking for a supplier is to consult search engines.

Ask for a quote

The progress of your tailor-made project 

An agency that accompanies and advises you on your project


keywords for SEO and


the ergonomics of the website


of the custom design


of digital and technical positioning


of the website


of your activity and definition of the digital strategy:

Examples of showcase websites

Business Center Capellen

Business Center Capellen offers you offices, meeting rooms and co-working spaces.

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GG Dis is a European distributor of sports equipment, based in Luxembourg.

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Cloud Power 

We provide the cutting-edge expertise of our teams, modern solutions and the facilities of the Cloud with the aim of modernising the day-to-day operational and commercial lives of our customers. 

Our mission is to implement outsourced infrastructure projects as efficiently as possible, to digitally transform services and processes, and to provide experts in cutting-edge technologies.

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We advise you on the technical choices of your project

Wordpress, the market leader in CMS

Wordpress is the most widely used CMS because it is suitable for all types of web projects, whether it’s an institutional or event site, multisite, multilingual, blog, community platform or e-commerce. It is the number one web solution.

This open-source content management platform allows you to manage your content intuitively. You can modify existing pages or create new pages that will integrate into the design of your website. Wordpress is a stable and powerful CMS offering endless possibilities. With its elegant and intuitive interface, it will facilitate the daily monitoring of your activity.


Joomla, the tool with multiple extensions.

Just like Wordpress, Joomla is among the most intuitive open-source content management solutions. Its user-friendly interface allows anyone to be independent in the daily management of their web content. Developed in PHP, the most widely used language in web development, it is maintained by a dynamic community that enriches its extensions day after day.


Drupal, the versatile CMS. 

If you prefer to use another web solution, such as Drupal, our team adapts to your technical preferences. Drupal is a powerful and malleable open-source tool, adapting to all types of web projects. Its flexibility allows us to set up showcase sites as well as more complex web platforms such as multi-sites or even.

You want to know more, do not hesitate to contact us

Our consultants support you in your project and offer solutions adapted to your needs.